
Friday 19 July 2013

New Hair from Wonderland Wigs

Do you want new longer hair in an instant? Have you tried a Wig or hair piece? 
I hate my hair, it is fine, dry & hardly grows I've tried everything to help it, But as I am going to a wedding in August, I have been racking my brains as to what to do with my hair.. Then Wonderland Wigs contacted me & asked if I would like to try one of their wigs or hair pieces! I instantly accepted & I looked on their site & my prayers had been answered!! I decided on Beauty Works Sleek Wrap around ponytail in Boho #18/22 as I thought I could use this as a ponytail or wear it in a big messy bun...
(Simple instructions below)

After I ordered it, I started to worry I wouldn't be able to put it in & thought I should of just got a Bun or a fishtail plait, but once it arrived, in perfect condition accompanied by a yummy lolly & simple Instructions! I took it out of the box & within 60 seconds I had a ponytail swishing behind me, It was a new experience as my hair has never been past my shoulders, It was so simple to put in place..

This would be perfect for daily use or to save for special occasions, it is no heavier than natural hair & can transform your looks & confidence in minutes, I love it & have no idea what stopped me buying a hair piece before now? I have hair extensions but rarely use them as they are very time consuming to put in & faff with until the seams etc are hidden, maybe I should dig them out & practice a bit more?!

The colour selection is Great, with Blonde, Brunette, Red, Black etc. If you want to transform your look check out Wonderland Wigs full range on their Website they have lot's of great pieces at great prices to suit everyone's budgets.

What's your favourite hair piece?


  1. Replies
    1. I've lost my camera lead so waiting for the new one to arrive, can only take on my Ipad but quality was rubbish! I will insert pics asap xx


Thank you for taking the time to read & leave a comment on my post! I appreciate every one and I always take the time to reply, so please do check back, Jane x