Saturday, 30 November 2013

Viviscal Hair Growth Supplements Month one

I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary Syndrome) in my early twenties & soon discovered all the horrible symptoms that came along with it, one being Thinning hair, it has gradually got worse over the past 5 years, Since I had my Daughter, when I was pregnant I had thick, shiny hair and after it started coming out every time I washed/brushed my hair which is normal after pregnancy, but it just never stopped coming out. I don't have any bald patches neither is it massively noticable but it just knocked my confidence, it also became very dry & somewhat frizzy! All I do is tie it or clip it back now, as I don't like it down.

I decided to try Viviscal hair supplements* to see if it would improve the condition & help my hair grow back to how it was. I have a 3 month supply so will do an update every month to let you know how I'm getting on. It says to take two tablets daily they contain the important nutrients Biotin and Zinc, which help maintain normal healthy hair growth from within and the proprietary marine protein complexAminoMar C™ ,Vitamin C, Niacin, Iron, and Millet Seed.

Viviscal understand hair. Statistics show that a whole range of factors, including stress, post-pregnancy, menopause, overstyling, poor nutrition, hereditary, age can impact on the health of the hair and hair growth with one in three women experiencing the distress this can cause at some stage in their lives.
I am also usuing thickening shampoo's and conditioners to help with it's condition,I am hoping to have great things happen to my hair over the next 3 months, have any of you used them before?
180 tablets 3 month supply £119.99, but they have offers on at the moment.

Do you suffer with Thinning hair?


  1. I usually have very thick hair (I do right now), but I have had it fall out spontaniously before (I mean pretty much all of it) due to stress. I got to try a load of funky bandanas, but I certainly would have tried this to, and will again should my hair decide to fall out again.
    Really would love to see how you get on. I'm growing my hair for my wedding next year, and long flowing healthy locks are the order of the day.
    Love Vicky @

  2. I'll be following this with great interest! I had PCOS and even though I have lost my ovaries to cancer I have STILL got extremely thin hair on the top of my head. So much so that I often use Nanogen thickening fibres to help boost my self esteem (I don't know what I'd do without them).

    1. It's a horrible syndrome! Sorry to hear that.. I hope you've now recovered.xx the hair fibres are a great help, I also like the nanogen shampoo, conditioner & serum . Updates will be posted xx

  3. I have PCOS too, I have thin hair but I don't suffer from thinning hair yet. But I am insulin resistant and battle acne. It took my doc to figure out after two rounds of accutane for it and it still came back to realize there was something else wrong.

    I currently use Wen, lavender and I honestly have to say my hair has been so much healthier and nicer. I definitely have more body to my hair.

    I can't wait to see your updates on this. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! es mine is Thin, so not happy with wearing it down, luckily I don't have any bald patches or it isnt that noticeable to others... But I know what it used to be like, these are working well I can see new baby hair coming through and it does feel slightly thicker.. To me! I will update once I've completed the course.. I am supposed to take 2000mg a day of Metformin but am only able to take 500-1000mg as my body needs to adjust to them so fingers crossed this helps the syptoms of PCOS xx


Thank you for taking the time to read & leave a comment on my post! I appreciate every one and I always take the time to reply, so please do check back, Jane x