Part art. Part fantasy. Pure fashion.
The editorial legacy of Guy Bourdin is one of insatiable glamour and transfixing, sexually charged imagery. François Nars embraces the seductive spirit of Bourdin with this Mini Nail Polish Coffret, a collection of provocative Nail Polishes in four hyper saturated limited edition shades.

This is a beautiful little NARS set. Is so pretty, every shade is exactly what I'd choose, I love this collection and can't get enough of my Guy Bourdin Blush Palette. I also have my eye on the Lip set!

Lost Red is a stunning true red shade.

Dance Dance Dance is a beautiful violet purple cream

I got mine from HQ Hair.com it sells for £25.00, I didn't realise they sold NARS until I came across them whilst browsing, I already own lot's and lot's of nail varnishes, but I just couldn't resist these little beauties especially as it's a limited edition set! - It also doesn't take up much space..... I'm currently wearing 'Lost Red' ready for tomorrow!
What colour will you be wearing for Valentine's day?!
I think the wife would like the last shade, it is similar to about 4-5 others she has :)